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Re: Bug#1005043: lintian: check that Python version numbers are not 0.0.0

Hi Julian (2022.02.07_06:26:38_+0000)
> I'm a little confused by this.  Have a look at
> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1005039 against
> python3-iniconfig.  It has a very straightforward debian/rules, using
> pybuild, and its setup.py script has "use_scm_version=True", but it
> still produces a python package with version number 0.0.0.
> I have tried this in an environment where I have
> python3-setuptools-scm installed, by the way (even though the package
> does not Build-Depends on it).  I'm using dh-python version 5.20220119

That's the issue, it *needs* to Build-Depend on that (pybuild only
exports the PRETEND environment variable when there is a

Committed a fix to git.


Stefano Rivera
  +1 415 683 3272

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