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Re: Request for review for Poetry(Was: Re: Asking for help Poetry)


I just push some updates to salsa

Here are my comments:

1. d/control:

You haven't set the Python Team either in Maintainer or Uploaders.

Ready my bad! Also I note that some dependencies that I package for Poetry
were uploaded and DPT was not the Maintainer, I'll change those.

2. d/control:

If you require specific dependencies, you should make it clear in
d/control. It's the kind of thing that helps a lot if people decide to
backport it.


3. tests/repositories/fixtures

This directory contains a bunch of tarballs from other projects. I'm not
sure what should be done with this, as I guess they are used in the

My first reflex would be to exclude them from the imported tarball and
disable the tests that require them, but I don't know how much of the
testsuite depends on those tarballs.

Maybe someone else from the team can chime-in?

I will look at that these days. I can try to remove them and "turn off" the test
that uses the tarballs.  Some days ago, I started to look at the pypy package,
and it has the suittest in another package (btw, that is new for me).
Maybe poetry can have that approach? Also, I don't know if that makes sense.

4. d/tests

There are no autopkgtests. This being a large project that's kinda hard
to package, I don't really mind for now.

I think it's fair to wait to have at least 1 version in unstable before
working on that.
yes, that was my idea. 


5. d/rules

Isn't the step in execute_after_dh_auto_install better suited in
execute_after_dh_clean instead? At least, it seems to me you're cleaning
the ./foo dir you patched in.

yes you're right, that makes more sense, thanks!

6. Lintian: W: python3-poetry: no-manual-page usr/bin/poetry

Again, not something that needs to be fixed, but each subcommand of
poetry should probably get a man page:


I looked at the code and I have no idea how this website is built (they
don't use sphinx). It seems like they do something manual?


Anyway, here's an example of how I added man pages to a program with
multiple commands:


thanks for note it, I'll take a look these days.

Overall it's very good! The trickiest part to fix will likely be #3 :S

> I need to skip some tests because use a non versioned python, so that
> give me some troubles like "python don't exist".
> Also, there're some package (or package version) that aren't in Debian
> yet. So, to save your time looking which are them I tell you that I run
> the buildpackage in this way:
> ```
> gbp buildpackage --git-ignore-new
> --extra-package=/home/eamanu/Debian/DEPENDENCIES/python3-cleo_0.8.1-1_all.deb
> --extra-package=/home/eamanu/Debian/DEPENDENCIES/python3-httpretty_1.0.5-0.1_all.deb
> --extra-package=/home/eamanu/Debian/DEPENDENCIES/python3-pkginfo_1.7.0-1_all.deb

This package has not been updated on Salsa, or at least, I couldn't find
version 1.7.0-1 anywhere. Maybe you forgot to push?

Oh yes, I'm just psuh to salsa. Sorry!


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