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Re: 2Removal: handling circular dependencies

[Summary of previous messages: I noted that packages with circular dependencies can't be removed one at a time without breakage. Replies were to remove multiple packages at once if necessary, but ask first if other maintainers' packages are involved.]

I have now checked what cycles we have:

- 13 small sets (one of 13, others 2-4 each): small enough that "remove the whole set at once" is manageable.

- One big tangle (159 packages).  This probably needs breaking up:
--- Some of it involves documentation tools (e.g. sphinx). These cycles can be broken by using the Python 3 version of the tool. --- Some of it is "A Suggests (or Recommends) A-extension, A-extension Depends on A" cycles (e.g. pandas<->statsmodels). If A-extension is otherwise ready to remove but A is not, these can be broken by removing the Suggests from A. (Assuming we're still using "broken Suggests are not allowed": this has previously been discussed, I forget where.)

Full listing:

159 pyrex lxml html5lib sphinx mako python-scipy pandas patsy statsmodels seaborn sphinx-gallery matplotlib2 mpmath sympy texlive-extra nbconvert jupyter-notebook ipywidgets texlive-base dot2tex matplotlib numpydoc python-cycler ipykernel python-numpy mayavi2 python-chaco python-envisage python-enable joblib pyzmq jupyter-client python-hypothesis chardet pygments python-pyface python-traitsui python-apptools python-traits ipython jupyter-core nbformat prompt-toolkit mercurial setuptools-scm python-py pytest-xdist pytest python-packaging python-importlib-metadata python-pluggy pyopenssl python-urllib3 python-future pyglet python-lz4 fdb sqlalchemy sphinxcontrib-websupport requests python-click incremental twisted automat python-service-identity python-gevent entrypoints python-flake8 xcffib cairocffi python-keyring wheel python-pip keyrings.alt execnet sphinx-rtd-theme python-prometheus-client pytest-expect pytest-forked pytest-runner python-bleach python-mccabe python-atomicwrites python-attrs python-babel tap.py dbus-python python-qt4 pyqt5 python-characteristic apipkg python-cryptography python-dateutil freezegun traitlets python-typing openpyxl python-tz python-et-xmlfile python-whoosh python-flaky wcwidth pexpect pillow python-docutils pymacs ropemacs python-mode enum34 sip4 configobj python-iso8601 pycairo pygobject-2 pygobject send2trash pygtk simplejson six unittest2 python-mock python-psutil contextlib2 python-zipp python-traceback2 python-debian python-apt python-linecache2 python-funcsigs python-concurrent.futures python-pathlib2 pickleshare testpath python-genty xlwt more-itertools backports.functools-lru-cache rope ropemode colorspacious cython pyyaml cvxopt sphinx-paramlinks python-pysqlite2 alabaster python-setupdocs nose mistune terminado python-webencodings ipython-genutils pep8 autopep8 pyxdg python-nose-exclude pyflakes python-greenlet xapian-bindings

2 rdflib sparql-wrapper-python
2 mgltools-pmv autodocktools
2 salutatoi sat-templates
2 cclib cclib-data
3 pastescript paste pastedeploy
2 sugar sugar-pippy-activity
13 trac-mercurial trac trac-customfieldadmin trac-graphviz trac-mastertickets trac-spamfilter trac-wikiprint trac-wysiwyg trac-xmlrpc email2trac trac-accountmanager trac-authopenid trac-bitten
4 hachoir-urwid hachoir-core hachoir-parser hachoir-metadata
4 python-pysnmp4 python-pysnmp4-mibs python-pysnmp4-apps pysmi
3 laditools ladish laditools # two 2Removal bugs on the same package
2 rpmlint rpm
2 crossfire crossfire-maps
3 python2.7 python-defaults python-stdlib-extensions

(Based on recent control@bugs.debian.org messages; packages not listed are not in a cycle)

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