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Re: reducing matplotlib2 build-depends.

By itself, removing those dependencies reduces the big tangle [0] from 148 packages to 141, the freed ones being: ipywidgets pyqt5 pep8 autopep8 xcffib xlwt cairocffi. (Note that "not in a tangle" means "no *circular* dependencies", *not* "leaf / can be removed immediately".)

There may also be more packages that have more than one link into the tangle but could have all of those links cut.

This was calculated from the Blocks of py2removal bugs, so only considers packages that still have an open py2removal bug, not already-removed packages e.g. pandas.

[0] Largest strongly connected component: can't remove any subset (except all or none) without breaking at least some of the remaining ones. Previously discussed in https://lists.debian.org/debian-python/2019/10/threads.html#00092

The full 148 are: alabaster apipkg automat autopep8 backports.functools-lru-cache beautifulsoup4 cairocffi chardet colorspacious configobj contextlib2 cython dbus-python dot2tex entrypoints enum34 execnet fdb freezegun html5lib incremental ipykernel ipython ipython-genutils ipywidgets jupyter-client jupyter-core keyrings.alt lxml mako matplotlib matplotlib2 mayavi2 mercurial more-itertools mpmath nose numexpr numpydoc pep8 pexpect pickleshare pillow pycairo pyflakes pyglet pygments pygobject pygobject-2 pygtk pyhamcrest pymacs pyopenssl pyqt5 pyrex pytables pytest pytest-expect pytest-forked pytest-runner pytest-xdist python-apptools python-apt python-atomicwrites python-attrs python-babel python-cffi python-chaco python-changelog python-characteristic python-click python-cryptography python-cycler python-dateutil python-debian python-docutils python-enable python-envisage python-flake8 python-flaky python-funcsigs python-future python-genty python-gevent python-greenlet python-hypothesis python-importlib-metadata python-iso8601 python-keyring python-linecache2 python-mccabe python-mock python-mode python-numpy python-packaging python-pathlib2 python-pbr python-pip python-pluggy python-psutil python-py python-pyface python-pysqlite2 python-qt4 python-scipy python-secretstorage python-service-identity python-setupdocs python-traceback2 python-traits python-traitsui python-typing python-tz python-urllib3 python-virtualenv python-webencodings python-whoosh python-zipp pyxdg pyyaml pyzmq requests rope ropemacs ropemode setuptools-scm sip4 six soupsieve sphinx sphinx-gallery sphinx-paramlinks sphinx-rtd-theme sphinxcontrib-websupport sqlalchemy sympy tap.py testresources texlive-base texlive-extra traitlets twisted unittest2 wcwidth wheel xapian-bindings xcffib xlwt

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