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GitLab CI on salsa.debian.org

One great addition that GitLab gives us is CI builds with custom Docker
images, which will run the whole build/test process for each merge
request.  For example:


I have set up a prototype Docker image for running git-buildpackage
builds automatically.  This Docker image is built and deployed using
Gitlab CI (albeit on gitlab.com):


Then any git-buildpackage package can be built by doing this:

* put git project on salsa
* In Settings -> CI/CD -> General pipelines settings ->
  Custom CI config path, set it to:  debian/.gitlab-ci.yml
* include debian/.gitlab-ci.yml in the git repo with this contents:

image: registry.gitlab.com/eighthave/ci-image-git-buildpackage:latest

    - *.deb
    expire_in: 1 day
    - /gitlab-ci-git-buildpackage
    - dpkg -i ../*.deb || apt-get install -f
    - mv ../*.deb .

I think we can do a lot of automation in the Docker image, like some of
the stuff I've already done in ci-image-git-buildpackage.  If someone
knows how to get ENTRYPOINT and/or CMD working with GitLab CI, then
/gitlab-ci-git-buildpackage could be run automatically.


PGP fingerprint: EE66 20C7 136B 0D2C 456C  0A4D E9E2 8DEA 00AA 5556

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