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Problems with Python 3 packaging using pybuild


I hope some of you could help with this problem. I have created a
package[0] that will be working using Python 3 and I am getting
problems with running its tests in pbuilder. I am using pybuild as you
can see in the debian/rules[1]. If I build it using
`dpkg-buildpackage` or `gbp` the package is created correctly, and
especially tests are working well. If I install the resulting deb
everything functions as expected, too.

Now, If I use pdebuild, tests fail and the reason I suspect is that of
the fmodules that are created by f2py3 are not being found at the
building time. I think it is a problem with PYTHONPATH inside
pbuilder, and tried adding before running the tests `PYTHONPATH=.` but
that did not work either. I would be very glad if someone could help
to solve this problem.


[0] https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/debian-science/packages/amp.git/
[1] https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/debian-science/packages/amp.git/tree/debian/rules

Muammar El Khatib.
Linux user: 403107.
GPG Key = 71246E4A.
http://muammar.me | http://proyectociencia.org
 : :' :
 `. `'

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