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Re: building manpages via setup.py

On 01/08/17 15:15, PICCA Frederic-Emmanuel wrote:

I am working on the pyfai package.
This pacakge contain one module with extensions (the important point)

The new upstream version 0.14.0 provide a build_man target via the setup.py

So in ordert to generate the doc I need to do

python setup.py build_man

Now if I look at this target, I can find this code


class BuildMan(Command):
     """Command to build man pages"""
     user_options = []

     def initialize_options(self):

     def finalize_options(self):

     def entry_points_iterator(self):
         """Iterate other entry points available on the project."""
         entry_points = self.distribution.entry_points
         console_scripts = entry_points.get('console_scripts', [])
         gui_scripts = entry_points.get('gui_scripts', [])
         scripts = []
         for script in scripts:
             elements = script.split("=")
             target_name = elements[0].strip()
             elements = elements[1].split(":")
             module_name = elements[0].strip()
             function_name = elements[1].strip()
             yield target_name, module_name, function_name

     def run(self):
         build = self.get_finalized_command('build')
         path = sys.path
         path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(build.build_lib))

         env = dict((str(k), str(v)) for k, v in os.environ.items())
         env["PYTHONPATH"] = os.pathsep.join(path)

         import subprocess

         status = subprocess.call(["mkdir", "-p", "build/man"])
         if status != 0:
             raise RuntimeError("Fail to create build/man directory")

         import tempfile
         import stat
         script_name = None

         entry_points = self.entry_points_iterator()
         for target_name, module_name, function_name in entry_points:
             logger.info("Build man for entry-point target '%s'" % target_name)
             # help2man expect a single executable file to extract the help
             # we create it, execute it, and delete it at the end

             py3 = sys.version_info >= (3, 0)
                 # create a launcher using the right python interpreter
                 script_fid, script_name = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="%s_" % target_name, text=True)
                 script = os.fdopen(script_fid, 'wt')
                 script.write("#!%s\n" % sys.executable)
                 script.write("import %s as app\n" % module_name)
                 script.write("app.%s()\n" % function_name)
                 # make it executable
                 mode = os.stat(script_name).st_mode
                 os.chmod(script_name, mode + stat.S_IEXEC)

                 # execute help2man
                 man_file = "build/man/%s.1" % target_name
                 command_line = ["help2man", script_name, "-o", man_file]
                 if not py3:
                     # Before Python 3.4, ArgParser --version was using
                     # stderr to print the version

                 p = subprocess.Popen(command_line, env=env)
                 status = p.wait()
                 if status != 0:
                     raise RuntimeError("Fail to generate '%s' man documentation" % target_name)
                 # clean up the script
                 if script_name is not None:

As you can see this create a launch script for each entry point found in the setup.py and run help2man on it.

For now I would like to use this setup.py without modification.

So what should I do to run

python setup.py build_man with the options provided by pybuild during the normal build in order to let the  generated script find the pyFAI modules and its extensions ?

Simplest I can think of would be to build the extensions inplace followed by the call to build_man. Something like:

	python3 setup.py build_ext --inplace
	python3 setup.py build_man

I left the http_proxy exports and nodoc guards out for clarity.

Second questions what is the right way to generate the man pages for a python application ?

Usually via Sphinx if the upstream documentation uses it. Regardless of the stack, `help2man` is often considered the poor man choice for generating manpages.

Let me know if you'd like me to have a look :-)


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