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Scaling back for now

After the events of April, I've realized that I have a lot less time, and to
be frankly honest, motivation for contributing to Debian right now.  So I'm
scaling back, but not retiring.

I've tried to reflect my current level of participation by updating the
packages for which I was sole or primary Maintainer, putting DPMT or PAPT in
the Maintainer field and moving myself to Uploaders[*].  This reflects my hope
that the team will be better able to maintain these packages than I will right
now, and should remove me as the single point of failure for their continued
improvement in Debian.  As per team conventions, this means you don't have to
ask my permission to make changes to the packages.  If I've missed any, please
do let me know.

I am not giving up on Debian or Ubuntu!  I still feel strongly about their
importance and excellence in the open source and free software world, and
about their strengths as Linux distributions.  I still use them both!  And I'm
still keenly interested in the migration to Python 3 across the whole Python
ecosystem, and Debian in particular.

I'll continue to contribute where I can and as time allows.  But for now, as
my participation in Debian is solely on my own free time, I've found that I
have competing interests for that time, and I plan to spend it in other ways.

The Debian Python community continues to exemplify the best in collaborative
development.  DPMT and PAPT are fantastic teams, filled with great people, and
smart developers, and I have always felt honored to be part of it.  I'm happy
to continue to contribute, even if in a more tangential role for now.  I'm
back on IRC again, so as always, if I can help with anything, please don't
hesitate to reach out.


[*] I've made the changes in the git repos, but not necessarily uploaded new

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