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Re: Python3.6 plans for Buster

On Jun 17, 2017, at 04:20 AM, Scott Kitterman wrote:

>Last time I compared my understanding of the Buster schedule with the
>python3.7 schedule, I recall concluding that we'd likely be on python3.6 for
>the Buster release (not sure that's still true).  If so, we only have to do
>this once this cycle and​I think the sooner the better.

Thanks for bringing this up Scott, and thanks for the additional information
about Ubuntu's transition Steve.  For sure, Debian should make 3.6 default as
soon as possible in Buster.

But we may indeed get to 3.7 by the time Buster is released.  According to PEP
537 [*], 3.7.0 final is schedule for almost exactly 1 year from now, on
2018-06-15.  So if Buster is approximately 2 years out from now, then we'll
need to do more transition, and have plenty of time for it.

(Aside: it does mean Ubuntu's next LTS will carry 3.6.)


[*] https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0537/

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