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Adopting OpenStack packages

We've talked on various lists about adopting the OpenStack packages into DPMT,
and also adopting the team's standard workflows and helpers.

The way the packages have been maintained in the past isn't aligned with our
team practices, but Allison and I spent a little time today importing alembic
into DPMT git.  After looking at the existing git repo (i.e. what you get with
debcheckout), we both figured it would be better to start fresh, so I used my
import-dscs.py script[1] to import all previous releases into a git-dpm repo
(via debsnap).  Then I pushed that repo to DPMT git.

$ git clone git+ssh://git.debian.org/git/python-modules/packages/alembic.git

That looks like it matches what's in unstable/testing right now.  The package
doesn't use pybuild, and both Allison and I want to convert it to our standard
build system, but before I go hacking around in d/rules, I want to get a
sanity check on the conversion process.  Please poke around and let me know
what you think.  If the results of import-dscs.py look good enough, then the
thinking is that we'll use that to convert the rest of the packages.  If it's
not good enough, then let's work out a better conversion process before we
import more packages.

Things to not worry about, IMHO:

* Anything other than making the package maintainable in git-dpm
* Any commits to the existing git repo that weren't uploaded

I don't think there's a huge urgency here, since I'm not aware of any packages
that need updates before Stretch is released.  (Allison, please confirm.)
E.g. alembic is at 0.9.0 upstream, but it'll stay at 0.8.8 for Stretch.
Still, we'd like to have everything in place once the release happens and
freeze is lifted.


[1] git clone https://anonscm.debian.org/git/users/barry/import-dscs.git

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