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Re: How to split modules in multiple deb packages

On 2017-02-18 09:16, Simone Rossetto wrote:
> One of the module is specific for Raspberry Pi, it adds some
> functionalities, but
> the daemon itself doesn't require a Pi hardware and can still do its job
> without that module even on a Pi. What I want to do is to split the modules
> in two deb packages, one with all the modules except rpi.py and one with only
> rpi.py (setting the appropriate dependencies, i.e. python3-gpiozero, etc).
> How can I do that?

why would you want to do that?
i mean: what harm comes from shipping the rpi.py file on non-rpi systems?

is that file exposed to the user or is it just internally used?

is the system failing gracefully if it is there but not really usable,
because you are missing hardware? (if so, there is no need to split).

is the system failing gracefully if it is missing on systems that would
normally use it? (if not, then splitting could actually be harmful).

also, Debian has no notion of "packages only for the Raspberry", as
there is no architecture specific to the RPi (only).
So most likely you will end up with a package called "mypackage-rpi"
that can be installed on any old s390x cpu, creating even more confusion.


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