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How do I include info and man pages in an installer?

I'm trying to make my first .deb package. For that I have read
https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ and
https://wiki.debian.org/Packaging/Intro. The latest guide was the most
useful for me because I had no experience. Apart from all the warnings
from lintian, after building the .deb I could install it and it worked,
but the manuals didn't.

Now running lintian...
W: ducker source: non-native-package-with-native-version
W: ducker source: no-debian-copyright
W: ducker source: ancient-standards-version 3.9.2 (current is 3.9.5)
W: ducker: wrong-bug-number-in-closes l3:#XXXXXX
W: ducker: copyright-without-copyright-notice
W: ducker: spelling-error-in-description searchs searches
W: ducker: zero-byte-file-in-doc-directory usr/share/doc/ducker/copyright
W: ducker: binary-without-manpage usr/bin/duck
W: ducker: binary-without-manpage usr/bin/ducker
E: ducker: python-script-but-no-python-dep usr/bin/duck
E: ducker: python-script-but-no-python-dep usr/bin/ducker
Finished running lintian.

The tutorial I read is so basic that it doesn't show how to include the
man and info pages. I'm using Sphinx to build the info page and the man
page its already build in the repository. I also have a Bash
autocompletion file. Anyone can point me in the right direction? There
are so many packaging guides and I find most of them very confusing?
This is the program I'm trying to package in case you wonder:

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