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Re: RFS: python-patch 1.16

On Tue, Nov 29, 2016 at 08:20:23AM +0100, Paolo Greppi wrote:
> Hi,


FYI, I found your RFS only thanks to the /topic in #debian-python.
Unless you're very lucky most RFSes sent to random mailing lists have a
tendency to get lost/ignored; that's why I suggest you always file a RFS
bug and X-Debbugs-CC the relevant team, unless you know that team is
going to react (like pkg-js recently).

> I packaged python-patch as per this ITP:
> https://bugs.debian.org/845482, this is the repo:
> https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/python-modules/packages/python-patch.git
> Please someone more experienced than me review it and if it's OK sponsor
> its upload.

I fixed the file name in the pristine-tar branch (otherwise `origtargz`
ignored it..).

> Please note that since the pypi tarball has no tests, whereas the github
> tarball has no setup, I choose the latter and added the setup.py with a
> git-dpm/quilt patch. I hope this is correct.

Yep, that's fine.  Please ask upstream to syncronize both, and have
github ship the setup.py, and the tarball the release.

more changes I ask you:
* d/changelog:
  + please kill the second changelog line; first uploads should only
    come with a "first upload" line
  + finalize it (dch -r)
* d/control:
  + please wrap-and-sort that list of build-deps
  + why are you commenting out the Testsuite field?
  + Vcs-* are pointing to a repo that's not DPMT's, that's wrong
    (furthermore that URL first requires auth, and it gave me a 404, so
    I think it's a private repo)
* d/compat:
  + please bump to 10 (d/control already have the >= 10, so I guess you
    just forgot to push this one too)
* d/rules:
  + please repspect DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nocheck
  + please use the method provided by pybuild to properly run the tests
    against all supported python versions, against what you just
    "built"; I think that one runs only one python version (2.7)
    against the original sources.
  + you're overriding dh_auto_install when you only want to append
    --install-script to the command invoked.  Please use
    PYBUILD_INSTALL_ARGS=--install-scripts=... instead.
* d/copyright:
  + why are you licensing debian/ under a different license?
  + personally I find a lot more readable to have all the file paragraph
    at the top, and all stand alone licenses at the bottom
  + other/pack.py is under another license
* I: python-patch: new-package-should-not-package-python2-module python-patch
  + right, I was about to forget about this...
* I: python-patch source: binary-control-field-duplicates-source field "section" in package python-patch

                        Mattia Rizzolo

GPG Key: 66AE 2B4A FCCF 3F52 DA18  4D18 4B04 3FCD B944 4540      .''`.
more about me:  https://mapreri.org                             : :'  :
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