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Re: Request to join team


gentle ping?

Thank you.

2016-02-22 20:50 GMT+01:00 Ondrej Novy <novy@ondrej.org>:

> Why you want to join the team: e.g. maintain your current packages within the team, help maintain some specific packages, etc.

I want to maintain new package python-m3u8 (and others). And I want to
help with other packages too. I'm DM.

> Your Alioth login.


> A statement that you have read https://python-modules.alioth.debian.org/policy.html and that you accept it.

I read the policy and I'm accepting it.

Best regards
 Bc. Ondrej Novy

S pozdravem/Best regards
 Bc. Ondrej Novy
Email: novy@ondrej.org
Jabber: onovy@njs.netlab.cz
ICQ: 115-674-713
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/onovy
Tel/Cell: +420 777 963 207
Datová schránka: aypqr6c

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