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Re: requesting help updating a python package


On 27/09/2016 01:16, Boylan, Ross wrote:
I'd like to use zodb, and it looks as if the most recent Debian version available is 3.3, and that's available only for python2.  I'd like to use the current zodb, 5.0, with python3.  Aside  from preferring to use current software, it looks as if zodb 5 with python 3 sometimes has significant performance advantages.

I believe I could just install it using easy_install, but since this has many dependencies I'll end up with a lot of local python packages that the Debian package system won't know about.

So I thought I might try updating the existing package (and maybe its dependents).  It has some oldish (1 year) requests for newer updates against it, and so I suspect the maintainers aren't too active.  The control file references Vcs-Svn: svn://anonscm.debian.org/pkg-zope/zodb/trunk, which has only the debian directory.

I'm guessing this is all supposed to work with svn-bp.alioth.debian.org, but am not sure how to proceed.  And since I don't have or want commit privileges, I'm not sure that working with subversion is a good idea.

Any suggestions how to proceed?  I have also downloaded a semi-random python3 package (python3-bitarray, which has some C code) to see how things are packaged for python3.

Should I expect that the debhelper scripts will be able to figure out the dependent packages without my need to specify them explicitly?

Ross Boylan

Isn't there a maintainer/uploader for this package, whom you could ask?

Snark on #debian-python

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