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Re: pybuild renaming extensions breaks upstream code

Hi, Dmitry,

Thanks for your reply

على السبت  2 تـمـوز 2016 ‫23:03، كتب Dmitry Shachnev:
>> Is there a better way around this problem?
> If it is not a Python extension but rather a generic plugin, you can tell
> dh_python2 not to touch it (i.e. via the -X flag), or better install it to
> some private directory different from dist-packages.

It's a Python extension as far as I know. After investigating this a bit
more, it seems that numpy's ctypeslib.load_library function can guess
the library's extension. So for the unit test (before dh-python has
renamed anything and the library is still librarybasename.so), it can
guess properly if it's called as


but this won't work afterwards. I instead get

    File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/numpy/ctypeslib.py", line
163, in load_library
      raise OSError("no file with expected extension")
  OSError: no file with expected extension

Would it be a good idea to patch numpy to also look for multiarch
strings in the suffix?

Many thanks and regards

Afif Elghraoui | عفيف الغراوي

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