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Re: django-pipeline

Steve Langasek <vorlon@debian.org> writes:

> Ok, that was certainly another possibility.  "Clean" chroots certainly vary,
> and some ways of building them may include more stuff than others, and some
> of that "more" stuff may be triggering this problem.

Think we were on the wrong track entirely.

If problem occurs or not, depends on the order the tests are run
in. Which probably depends on the filesystem being used plus a lot of
other random stuff.

It appears that the Django override_settings is not correctly restoring
settings after the test completes - or at least not the JS_COMPRESSOR
and CSS_COMPRESSOR settings - hence currupting future tests.

This seems to be because the settings do not appear in

Which is probably expected, as when pipeline sets the default values in
pipeline/conf.py it doesn't change the Django setting. So Django
restores the settings to what it thinks were the previous values, which
due to the way pipeline keeps its own copy of the settings isn't

Ok, so now I think I understand, time to test the lastest version of
pipeline I think. See if that helps.
Brian May <bam@debian.org>

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