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Re: New, updated pip coming

On Jan 30, 2016, at 11:33 AM, Robert Collins wrote:

> If a new requests package is built, uploaded to the archive and
>apt-get installed on my machine, and I then do:
>virtualenv test
>. test/bin/activate
>pip install foobar
> ^--- what version of requests will be used by this in-virtualenv
>invocation of pip?
>>From your description I expect it to be the version of requests that was
>dpkg installed at the time the pip deb was built?


On Jan 29, 2016, at 05:45 PM, Donald Stufft wrote:

>These wheel files that represent pip's dependencies are generated when
>python-pip is being built from the versions of the packages in Debian's
>repositories and the python-pip package has a Built-Using header to indicate
>which dependencies have been rebundled inside of pip through this
>process. This has essentially recreated static linking but for Python. It is
>my understanding that all of the wheels for pip's dependencies will exist
>inside of the python-pip-whl .deb.


I don't actually know whether Built-Using *does* anything useful[*], but IWBNI
(maybe) some kind of notification or auto-rebuild happened.  I don't think it
does, but Donald's right.  It's the same problem that Go or statically linked
C/C++ has.

>On top of that, virtualenv and venv will both need wheels that it needs to
>install for pip, setuptools, and in the case of virtualenv, wheel. I'm not
>sure what the plan is for those.

I plan to use the same technique for virtualenv/pyvenv dependencies, although
they will probably Depend on python-pip-whl to just get those for free.  TBH,
I haven't spent a ton of time on those higher level tools, just because of how
much work it was to sort out pip.  But I'll look at those soon.


[*] There are some plans to honor this field in Ubuntu, where Build-Depends
may not need to go through the same main-inclusion-report (MIR) process, but
Built-Using packages would.  It's all currently speculative, so I don't have
any more details right now.

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