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RFS: twistar (Was: Request to join)

On 10/12/2015 11:57 AM, Piotr Ożarowski wrote:
> you're in, though. Welcome
> (and please note that we will use git-dpm, not any other git related
> tool so either use that or make sure it's compatible) 
Thanks for adding me. I've uploaded the twistar packaging to Alioth,
it's at
git+ssh://git.debian.org/git/python-modules/packages/twistar.git. I've
used the default git-dpm branch names (master, upstream and
pristine-tar). I noticed there is some discussion on this list on branch
names, but I've followed the now-official

The module is Python 2 only. Upstream doesn't support Python 3, and
since twisted (the major dependency of twistar) is Python 2-only in
Debian (AFAIK), it wouldn't make much sense anyway.

The package builds correctly with pbuilder in a clean sid chroot,
without lintian errors (some pedantic and experimental comments).

I'd appreciate if one of the more experienced developers from the team
would take a look at the package and I look forward to your comments,
and to working togethers to get this package and (later) the denyhosts
synchronisation server into Debian.




From the ITP:

* Package name    : python-twistar
  Version         : 1.3
  Upstream Author : Brian Muller <bamuller@gmail.com>
* URL             : http://findingscience.com/twistar/
* License         : MIT, BSD-derived
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description     : Python ORM library for the Twisted framework

Twistar is a Python implementation of the active record pattern (also
known as
an object-relational mapper or ORM) that uses the Twisted framework’s RDBMS
support to provide a non-blocking interface to relational databases.

Twistar is a dependency for denyhosts-server, see its ITP, bug #800630.

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