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Re: pypi2debian

[PICCA Frederic-Emmanuel, 2015-09-15]
> Hello, just for information what is the difference with 
> pypi-install from the pyton-stdeb package 

pypi-install installs (via `dpkg -i package.deb`) one package and purpose of
pypi2debian is to use `apt install package` instead.
I could build it on top of stdeb, but I just like PEP8 too much.

If you want me to compare py2dsc (stdeb) and py2dsp (pypi2deb) then I guess
most important features would be:
* auto generated Build-Depends
* -doc packages
* pypy- packages
* debian/copyright
* ITP template
* --dpmt and --papt (for DPMT and PAPT members only!)
* tighter integration with dh-python tools
* async (if you convert/build more than one package at the time)
* easier to customise (I hope - as it was pointed out many times, I
  suck at writing documentation)
Piotr Ożarowski                         Debian GNU/Linux Developer
www.ozarowski.pl          www.griffith.cc           www.debian.org
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