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Re: Python Policy

Piotr Ożarowski <piotr@debian.org> writes:

>> * The Debian wiki
>>   https://wiki.debian.org/Python and subpages
> wiki is something everyone can edit. It's a place that can help with
> various tasks, it can even be a place where policy is prepared, but it's
> not a place to store official documents.
>> * Another wiki page:
>>   https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/PythonModulesTeam
> this is wiki page, not a policy
>> * https://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/python-policy/
>>   which comes from the python-defaults (*not* python3-defaults!) in the bzr
>>   repo at
>>   http://alioth.debian.org/anonscm/bzr/pkg-python/python-defaults-debian
> this it THE policy (¹)
>> * "PMPT" policy
>>   http://python-modules.alioth.debian.org/
>>   git+ssh://git.debian.org/git/python-modules/tools/python-modules.git
>>   except that that page specifically isn't represented in the git repo, only
>>   policy.rst
> DPMT and PAPT are two different things

Are DAPT and PAPT the same thing?

This information should be documented somewhere.

In my words, for Debian project there is a wiki and a policy. For each
team there is a wiki and policy that apply for that team.

The wikis are not official policy, only the policy if official policy.

I don't understand why we need two teams for Python in Debian. DPMT and
DAPT share this mailing list. The only significant difference I see is
one is using git and the other is using subversion.

The description on the DAPT wiki says "We are taking care of Python
applications, i.e. end user programs written in Python that usually do
not provide public modules. We are not about packaging Python modules or
Python interpreter."

There are packages that do not provide public modules that are aimed at
developers. I imagine there are also packages that are end user
applications that do provide public modules, for end user
programming. These end user's may require the first group of packages
aimed at developers too.
Brian May <bam@debian.org>

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