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pybuild and proxies -- could we make "prohibition" optional?

talking about this ;-) :

$> grep -A3 http_proxy pybuild 
    if 'http_proxy' not in env:
        env['http_proxy'] = ''
    if 'https_proxy' not in env:
        env['https_proxy'] = ''

which is overall GREAT since now I can drop off all those manual http*_proxy
exports in debian/rules where I know that the application has nothing to do
with the network.  BUT such settings forbid e.g. running any tests even if
those start/use local server specifically initiated for testing.  This is not
forbidden AFAIK by the policy and the only concern is our buildd farm which
says that even local interface might not be available.  Some
tools/libraries are smart enough to not try accessing proxy if http_proxy is
set but empty, but some don't.

So, long story short... would it be ok if I propose/commit a change like

diff --git a/pybuild b/pybuild
index d7bd35a..4edc175 100755
--- a/pybuild
+++ b/pybuild
@@ -50,10 +50,12 @@ def main(cfg):
     env = environ.copy()
     if 'LC_ALL' not in env:
         env['LC_ALL'] = 'C.UTF-8'
-    if 'http_proxy' not in env:
-        env['http_proxy'] = ''
-    if 'https_proxy' not in env:
-        env['https_proxy'] = ''
+    if environ.get('PYBUILD_FAKE_PROXY', '1') == '1':
+        if 'http_proxy' not in env:
+            env['http_proxy'] = ''
+        if 'https_proxy' not in env:
+            env['https_proxy'] = ''
     if cfg.system:
         certainty = 99

to enable testing when it is feasible to do it without external interactions

Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Ph.D.
http://neuro.debian.net http://www.pymvpa.org http://www.fail2ban.org
Research Scientist,            Psychological and Brain Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: +1 (603) 646-9834                       Fax: +1 (603) 646-1419
WWW:   http://www.linkedin.com/in/yarik        

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