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Re: image-file-in-usr-lib

Ole Streicher <olebole@debian.org> writes:

> some of the package I maintain (namely python-astropy), or want to
> package, contain images within their python source directories. When
> installed using the normal setup, these images get installed in
> /usr/lib, leading to the lintian warning shown in the subject.
> Is there a simple way to avoid this?

The code is probably expecting the files to be in that location. It will
need to be patched to expect the files in a more appropriate location.

Installing the non-program files to ‘/usr/share/foopackage/images/’ (for
example) is simple enough, using ‘dh_install’.

 \         “Alternative explanations are always welcome in science, if |
  `\   they are better and explain more. Alternative explanations that |
_o__) explain nothing are not welcome.” —Victor J. Stenger, 2001-11-05 |
Ben Finney

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