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Re: Python 2, Python 3, Stretch & Buster

On Apr 23, 2015, at 03:15 PM, Enrico Zini wrote:

>[1] also, given the volatility of a lot of new tools in the python ecosystem,
>I have adopted the safety practice of making sure that a tool has been
>/widely/ adopted for at least a year or two before even bothering to look at
>it. I like that practice: I saved myself the burden of rewriting setup.py
>files countless times because of that.

We're all volunteers here so we each make our own decision about how and where
we spend our time.

There *are* however proven, stable tools that improve the Python coding and
maintenance experience and for me, tox is one of those.  There are others,
such as nose2, that I won't even start a new project without adopting from the
first commit.  I'm happy to help people who are interesting in learning more
about these tools, and welcome a discussion with others about what tools and
techniques they find must-have for Python development.


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