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Re: git packaging (was: Python packaging help.)

Is there a way to use git but build with sbuild. I kind of don't want
to go back to pbuilder and IIRC git-buildpackage requires it.

On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 5:43 PM, Barry Warsaw <barry@debian.org> wrote:
> On Mar 31, 2015, at 04:48 PM, Antoine Musso wrote:
>>I have only been introduced to git-buildpackage and using Jenkins to more or
>>less automatically build them when proposing a patch or a change is merged.
> Really, git-dpm is just the patch manager.  There are a few others, but I
> found git-dpm to be the most straightforward and fool-proof (where "fool" is
> defined as Barry :) of the lot.  It's also relatively easy to learn and
> remember, the latter which might not be as much of a problem when we're using
> it regularly.
> git-dpm makes it easier to manage your quilt patches, but git-buildpackage is
> still the tool you'll use to build your git-maintained packages.  E.g., here's
> an alias I use to do test builds of packages under development:
> gitbp is aliased to `git-buildpackage --git-ignore-new --git-export=WC -S -us -uc'
>>> * Do we migrate all packages at once or one-at-a-time as needed?
>> From past experience in migrating a huge svn tree, it is usually easier to
>> move them in batches as developers request it.  If you get to find some
>> volunteers, they will by the first line dealing with potential issues and
>> updating the doc.  Will make it easier for others.
> I tend to agree that we can do it piecemeal, at least at first until we're
> sure the tools (both conversion and operational) are working properly.  I
> definitely don't want to have a long tail of svn laggards, so there should be
> a specific time where we convert even the less active projects.
>>> * Do we try to keep all svn history, or just upload history?
>>I tend to like the history, the blame and commit message logs are sometime
>>useful to get the context of a change/line of code.
> I found it adequate to just convert the upload history, but don't have any
> objections to keeping all the package history, if the conversion can be done
> easily and with high fidelity, to whatever git regime we end up adopting.  I'm
> not sure I'm personally interested in working on that (import-dscs.py is good
> enough for me), but I'd be happy to test out anybody else's contributions or
> recipes.
> Cheers,
> -Barry

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