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Re: pybuild: where to put --test-pytest?

On Mar 15, 2014, at 12:06 AM, Piotr Ożarowski wrote:

>In distutils build plugin, pybuild already checks for "test_suite" in
>setup.py (which apparently is not the only case where 
>`{interpreter} setup.py test` should be invoked), invokes
>`{interpreter} -m unittest discover -v`... but only for some interpreter
>versions or nose/pytest/tox equivalents (which you have enable because,
>guess what, it's not that obvious when you can use one instead of the
>Please try to convince upstream authors to use ONE AND ONLY ONE

Sigh.  I've tried.  I've also tried to get the PEP 426, etc. crowd to consider
adding test-specific metadata, but was told that it was off the table for now.
I hope to bring this up again at the upcoming Pycon 2014.  I could use some
allies :).


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