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Re: Proposed git migration plan

I think this plan makes a lot of sense.  I'll just throw in my two bits for a
couple of other points:

* the git-buildpackage workflow is really quite wonderful and reasonably
flexible, I highly recommend it, and I think it will improve the productivity
of this team.

* Vcs-Git and Vcs-Browser should use the HTTPS link by default.  This helps
protect the privacy of people who might want to contribute.  Perhaps where you
are this is not a concern, but there are many parts of the world where the
government actively monitors all internet traffic, and Debian should be aware
that trivial changes like this can be quite helpful for people in such
situations. HTTPS is fully supported on alioth and the HTTPS Vcs-Git link is
included at the bottom of every cgit page:

For example, see the bottom of this:
You'll find this:

* please don't ban mirrors or pull requests from other services.  I agree that
non-free services should not be encouraged, but banning them is
counter-productive since they have the vast majority of the mindshare of free
software developers.


Barry Warsaw wrote:
> Here's the page I mentioned regarding a *proposed* transition plan to using
> git for team packages.  It's more or less a brain dump right now, and don't
> feel like you need to read it before the DC14 session.
> https://wiki.debian.org/Python/GitPackaging
> Food for thought and discussion.
> -Barry

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