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Re: Python3 search path order when building Debian package

On 08/11/2014 07:30 PM, Piotr Ożarowski wrote:
> [Thomas Goirand, 2014-08-11]
>> During the build of oslo packages for OpenStack, I'm having the issue
>> that python3 seems to first look into
>> /usr/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/olso, finds stuff in it, and then do
> set PYTHONPATH to local dir with your module ("." or where your build
> target copies/compiles files)

Well, that's what I'm doing already. I didn't just cut/past what I'm
doing in debian/rules, probably I should have. Here it is:

ifeq (,$(findstring nocheck, $(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
        @echo "===> Running tests"
        set -e && set -x && for i in 2.7 $(PYTHON3S) ; do \
                PYMAJOR=`echo $$i | cut -d'.' -f1` ; \
                echo "===> Testing with python$$i (python$$PYMAJOR)" ; \
                rm -rf .testrepository ; \
                testr-python$$PYMAJOR init ; \
                TEMP_REZ=`mktemp -t` && \
                PYTHONPATH=$(CURDIR) PYTHON=python$$i
testr-python$$PYMAJOR run --subunit | tee $$TEMP_REZ | subunit2pyunit ; \
                cat $$TEMP_REZ | subunit-filter -s --no-passthrough |
subunit-stats ; \
                rm -f $$TEMP_REZ ; \
                testr-python$$PYMAJOR slowest ; \

If I do this, then it works for 2.7, not for 3.4.


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