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AsciiDoc in python-pelican

Hello, there

I have just started to use pelican which is static HTML generator.
I read getting started[1], settings[2] and issue[3].

I checked python-pelican package can generate from 
foo.md and bar.rst to static HTML files

python-pelican package description tells me that it enable to use
AsciiDoc fortmat. I wrote test.asc. but pelican does not understand
test.asc file. It did not report error. It ignored asc file.

I also install asciidoc package. But nothing to change.

If anyone knows how to use asciidoc in python-pelican package, please
share your knowledge.

Thank you for your advice.


[1]: http://docs.getpelican.com/en/3.3.0/getting_started.html
[2]: http://docs.getpelican.com/en/3.3.0/settings.html
[3]: https://github.com/getpelican/pelican/issues/1212
Yukiharu Yabuki (矢吹幸治)                      I use Debian GNU/Linux
mail: yabuki@netfort.gr.jp

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