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Re: Bug#714896: Python 3 as default

I have been actively working on the python-debianbts part of this. I commented on #732644 
but not CC the list at the time. The python-debianbts module depends on python-soappy. 
There seems to only be one SOAP module currently working on python3. It is a fork of suds 
which is not packaged for Debian currently (it should probably replace our existing 
python-suds since upstream is dead) [1].

My work has been on porting python-debianbts to suds. This is made a lot more difficult 
because the Debian BTS does not expose a WSDL file. I tested some WSDL generation modules 
on the debbugs code base, but ran into limitations in those modules that would not work 
with the debbugs code. 

Luckily, I did find someone had done a good chunk of the work on making a WSDL for debbugs 
[2]. I have some functions ported to suds using this WSDL file. The get_versions and 
get_usertags methods are not included in the WSDL, and I have yet to figure out how to 
properly form them. In the response for get_usertags, the usertag comes back as the name 
of an XML element, rather than the string value of a element.

I am concerned that python-debianbts is not under team maintence. I have already put a 
good deal of work into this already and there is potential that the maintainer will not 
have any interest in accepting patches to port the module to python3.

Jordan Metzmeier

[1] https://pypi.python.org/pypi/suds-jurko/0.4.1.jurko.3
[2] https://github.com/jwiegley/debbugs-gnu/blob/master/Debbugs.wsdl

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