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Re: Recommending get-orig-source for packages ?

Hi Ben,
> I think adding a field to ‘debian/copyright’ for that purpose is a bad
> idea, so I am unlikely to incorporate that functionality into the
> document.

I'm sure you are aware that policy §12.5 requires the details of where 
upstream sources were obtained from; that is commonly interpreted to include 
specifying what modifications were made to the upstream tarball since the 
modification is part of the tarball's origin. DevRef once recommended that 
this information be in debian/README.Debian-source, but this recommendation 
was removed on the basis that this information should already be in 
debian/copyright (see #413320).

In the current copyright-format/1.0, people are including repackaging 
information with a Comment field, as an explanatory text to the Source field 
or with some other ad hoc field name. The data are free form and, if some 
other sort of debian/repack is to be used, are then duplicated between 
debian/repack (get-orig-source or any of the other options that are in the 
archive) and debian/copyright. Consolidating this information in one place 
seems like a good idea which was the very rationale behind #413320 and then 
these uscan improvements. If you believe there is a better place for this 
information than debian/copyright and that Policy §12.5 and the thoughts of 
our policy delegates in #413320 are wrong, then discussing this on the 
debian-policy mailing list would be appropriate. Both §12.5 and §4.14 
(debian/README.source) could certainly be clarified on this point. (See also 
an abortive attempted to discuss this further in #492661.)

Using d/copyright + uscan for this is also finally an opportunity to do this 
using a standard tool set with a declarative syntax. It's a chance to reduce 
the number of different ways of doing this in the archive; let's not let the 
perpetual wait for the perfect to miraculously appear get in the way of 
using the good that is right in front of us.


Stuart Prescott    http://www.nanonanonano.net/   stuart@nanonanonano.net
Debian Developer   http://www.debian.org/         stuart@debian.org
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