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Re: About access to git.debian.org and the DPMT

> [1] https://github.com/zyga/debian.plainbox

* -doc package is empty,
* debian/copyright is not complete, there are Python Software
  Foundation, Aaron Iles, Michael Foord and Linaro Limited files in
  plainbox/vendor dir,
* about plainbox.vendor - please use packaged versions of this modules
  and drop them from python3-plainbox (at least mock and funcsigs are
  not needed),
* XlsxWriter is not packaged for Debian and you probably need it in
  Recommends or Suggests (if the later one, we can upload it without
  waiting for python3-xlsxwriter package),
* debian/changelog: distribution is wrong, you want to upload to
  unstable, right?
* "Priority: extra" - please use "optional" by default (unless there's a
  reason to use different priority); FTP masters will later move it to
  "extra" for unknown reason (I suspect they just don't like me and move
  all packages I upload/sponsor to "extra" ;), but IMO the right
  priority is optional in this case,
* add DPMT to Uploaders,
* Standards-Version 3.9.5 is already out, please check
* "plainbox is a Simple replacement for CheckBox" looks weird to me,
  it looks better with lower case "s" IMO (see dev. ref. §6.2.2),
* there's "XS-Testsuite: autopkgtest" but I don't see any tests in the
* plainbox manpage is missing,
* I'd use s/b/~/ instead of s/b/~beta/ in debian/watch (to keep it as
  close to upstream as possible), and please escape last dot in this

Fix those and inject to our SVN repo (that's right, we don't use GIT... yet)
Piotr Ożarowski                         Debian GNU/Linux Developer
www.ozarowski.pl          www.griffith.cc           www.debian.org
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