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Re: Building Python debug extensions with dh

Jakub Wilk <jwilk@debian.org> writes:

> True. It works out-of-the-box if use you python-central, dh_python3,
> dh_python2, dh_python(1), or if you don't use any helper at all.

Could those who understand what the Debhelper Python tools are doing,
please update <URL:https://wiki.debian.org/Python/DbgBuilds> so that it
contains the consensus recommendations for building debug Python
extension packages?

Currently it recommends the obsolete ‘python-support’, and I suspect it
is out-of-date in other ways also.

 \     “First they came for the verbs, and I said nothing, for verbing |
  `\    weirds language. Then, they arrival for the nouns and I speech |
_o__)                           nothing, for I no verbs.” —Peter Ellis |
Ben Finney

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