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Re: Joining DPMT

* Thomas Preud'homme <robotux@debian.org>, 2013-04-21, 22:48:
I have an ITP with Matteo Cypriani for xmlelements (python-xe, #703921), pyfeed (python-feed, #703925) and urwid-satext (python-urwid-satext, #703917) which I would like to maintain under PMPT umbrella. Since I'm not in PMPT already, I'd like to join it.

Welcome to the team, both of you! :)

I had a quick look at the packages:

xmlelements and pyfeed use "except:" without specifying exception types. Please tell upstream not to do that:

urwid-satext's debian/watch doesn't work.

For urwid-satext, lintian4python emits:

e: python-urwid-satext: pyflakes-undefined-name usr/share/pyshared/urwid_satext/files_management.py:237: dirname
e: python-urwid-satext: pyflakes-undefined-name usr/share/pyshared/urwid_satext/files_management.py:243: dirname
e: python-urwid-satext: pyflakes-undefined-name usr/share/pyshared/urwid_satext/sat_widgets.py:950: SolidCanvas

You must not use gettext.install() in a library. This function is supposed to be used in programs only. If urwid_satext wants to use "_" with your own domain, it should use something like this instead:

_ = gettext.translation('urwid_satext', fallback=True).ugettext

For xmlelements, lintian4python emits (besides two false-positives):

w: python-xe: assertion-always-true usr/share/pyshared/xe.py:1616
e: python-xe: pyflakes-undefined-name usr/share/pyshared/xe.py:1485: tfc
e: python-xe: pyflakes-undefined-name usr/share/pyshared/xe.py:1611: tfc
e: python-xe: pyflakes-undefined-name usr/share/pyshared/xe.py:1775: tfc

Jakub Wilk

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