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Re: Request for joining DPMT

* Michael Helmling <michaelhelmling@posteo.de>, 2013-01-16, 22:41:
Please make sure that the .cpp file is rebuilt from source.
ok, thanks for this hint - because of that I noticed that actually the pyx- and pxd-sources did not get included into the source tarball by `setup.py sdist` for whatever reason. I fixed this and put a "rm src/taglib.cpp" in debian/rules and an "extend-diff-ignore"-line for taglib.cpp in debian/source/options.

Oops! Remember, kids: this is why you should always rebuild stuff from source. :)

The package FTBFS here:
| + python3.2 setup.py install --install-layout=deb --root=debian/tmp
| Traceback (most recent call last):
|   File "setup.py", line 12, in <module>
|     from setuptools import setup
| ImportError: No module named setuptools

This still happens.

Additionally, I have renamed pyprinttags to pyprinttags3 for the python3 version. I hacked something into debian/rules to also rename the man page for that package; please let me know if there's a better way to achieve that.

If the two scripts have exactly the same functionality, and they only differ in implementation language, then they probably should be offered under the same name, managed by alternatives.

I have uploaded the new version 0.3.4 to mentors, hopefully it will show up there soon.

Yup, it's here:

You want python(3)-all-dev instead of python(3)-dev in Build-Depends. Also, the build-dependency python3-(all-)dev should be versioned.

Lintian emits:
W: pytaglib source: out-of-date-standards-version 3.9.3 (current is 3.9.4)

Lintian4python emits:
i: python3-taglib: versioned-python-shebang usr/bin/pyprinttags3 /usr/bin/python3.2

Shouldn't debian/watch use pypi.python.org?

Anyway, I've just added you to the team. Feel free to inject the package to the team's repository.

Unfortunately, I won't have time for further reviews of this package; hopefully someone else will step forward. Good luck! :)

Jakub Wilk

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