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Third round of advise on packaging python-csb

Greetings, all! Here I am again looking for guidance on my first
packaging attempt.

Thanks to Dmitry's help, I got the DEP8 testing in place. I have also
removed the pickled files that Jakub detected: they are generated upon
runing the tests if they don't exists, and they will be removed from
future upstream releases. This shrinks the package quite a bit.

I have also tried my hand at generating a Python3 binary package, which
seems to be working. I would appreciate if someone could take a look at
the debian/rules file and tell me how to improve it. I'm sure my very
simple version is not doing all that can/should be done.

Another thing I'm dealing with are the docs. I've found out that there
is a command that can be run to generate them from source, using epydoc.
According to what I've seen in other packages this could be executed
from debian/rules. Would this be the way to go? Does the fact that
Epydoc is only available for Python 2 have any effect?

Thank you in advance for your help.


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