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Re: Python 2.7 in, Python 2.5 out, dh_python2

On Feb 07, 2011, at 10:27 AM, Piotr Ożarowski wrote:

>We plan to upload new python-defaults to unstable really soon now
>(once python2.7 will be available for all architectures in unstable).


>Instead of Python 2.5, it will list Python 2.7 as supported
>(default=2.6; supported=2.6,2.7).
>Once Python 2.7 will be well supported¹ in the archive, Python 2.6 will
>be dropped as well so that Wheezy will support only one Python 2.X version
>(the last one ever released upstream).
>No, that's not meant to make security team's life easier, it's a tricky
>way to force the usage of my dh_python2 helper and get rid of
>python-{central,support} ;-)


>python-stdeb (and py2dsc script) already generates packages that use
>dh_python2; dh_python2(1) manpage will² have quick guide for maintainers
>(based on the one from python-support) after next upload. There's also a
>wiki page³ about converting python-support based package to dh_python2.

pkgme should also be generating dh_python2.

>Yet another helper transition is approaching (after the central→support
>one): all NEW packages have to use dh_python2 now. Sorry about that,
>feel free to find new sponsor if you don't like this decision. I will
>sponsor python-support based packages until Python 2.6 is in the list of
>supported Python versions. I will not sponsor central→support uploads
>anymore, though. Please convert all python-central based packages to
>dh_python2 (it's a matter of removing python-central build dependency
>and replacing dh_pycentral with dh_python2 or "--with pycentral" with
>"--with python2" or dropping DEB_PYTHON_SYSTEM from debian/rules in most
>[¹] some bugs are already reported: http://deb.li/py27
>[²] most recent version: http://deb.li/dhp2
>[³] http://wiki.debian.org/Python/support2dhp2

I'll review the open Debian bugs for patches we already have in Ubuntu, and
will start migrating the fixes over.  Even if some change because of Debian
maintainer preferences, we'll just resync once the updates land in Debian.


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