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Let me first describe the situation:

need to upload fresh package python-scikits-learn, which depends on
python-joblib which is only in the experimental (due to freeze uploaded
there instead of unstable).

experimental has python 2.7 supported

Now build fails since scikits-learn Build-Depends on python-numpy which
was not built for experimental specifically, thus has no support for
root@novo:~/scikit-learn-0.6.0.dfsg# apt-cache show python-numpy | tail -2
Python-Version: 2.5, 2.6

and pyversions -r does not test all the Python dependencies in regards
of their availability for all supported Python versions

Do we have any framework supporting specification of python-versioned

P.S. I am yet to check why by cow chroot favors experimental over
unstable ... but that is a side-issue ;)

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Yaroslav Halchenko              /(   )\               ICQ#: 60653192
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