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Re: dh_python2: pyinstall files

* Piotr Ożarowski <piotr@debian.org>, 2010-11-23, 00:13:
dh_python2 doesn't create __init__.py files, that's python-support (and
to be honest, I don't like this feature, see bug I reported to see why)

Which one?

$ wget -q -O- http://bugs.debian.org/src:python-support | grep -c Piotr

You should create separate binary python-flufl package that provides
flufl/__init__.py file and depend on it in two other packages, yes.

BTW: how about creating new pynamespaces package and provide binary
packages there. Developers could report bugs against it (asking to
create new binary python-foo package that will provide foo/__init__.py
file). We can ask FTP masters to make this package special (since it will provide empty files only) and fast track it. It should be used only if there's no other sane source package that can provide additional binary package of course (or one of existing ones cannot be used)

That would be the ugliest hack ever.

Why can't dh_python2 add some magic code to create empty __init__.py files in preinst/postrm and stop shipping them in .debs?

Jakub Wilk

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