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Using svn-buildpackage in isolated environment


How to build package in chroot environment (I guess that's pbuilder)?
    I don't want to install build garbage on production server with
Debian instance, so I am trying to use pbuilder as described at

$ svn-buildpackage --svn-builder='pdebuild --pbuilder cowbuilder'
Complete layout information:
E: Found unresolved issues:

M       debian/changelog

E: Resolve them manually before continuing

Ok. I've added --svn-ignore-new key and it still doesn't work.
$ svn-buildpackage --svn-builder='pdebuild --pbuilder cowbuilder'
Complete layout information:
NOT RELEASED YET tag found - you don't want to release it with it, do you?
mergeWithUpstream mode detected, looking for (location unknown,
guessed: ../tarballs/trac-bitten_0.6b3.orig.tar.gz)
Use of uninitialized value in subroutine entry at
/usr/share/svn-buildpackage/SDCommon.pm line 35.
I: mergeWithUpstream property set, looking for upstream source tarball...
Use of uninitialized value in -e at /usr/bin/svn-buildpackage line 457.
E: Could not find the origDir directory, please check the settings!

What's this mergeWithUpstream mode/property?
Why can't it find the tarball downloaded with uscan into parent directory?
Why it asks about some NOT RELEASED YET tag when I just want to test
the package?
How can I do the build inside pbuilder?

Can anybody provide manual instructions of what is happening behind the scenes?
At least I will have a chance to do build manually, because
instructions at
http://wiki.debian.org/Teams/PythonAppsPackagingTeam/howto is not

anatoly t.

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