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Re: Proposed Python Policy changes for shipping py3versions

* Scott Kitterman <debian@kitterman.com>, 2010-06-05, 19:31:
+	  will represent the current default Debian Python version.  The
+	  binary package <package>python3</package> will represent the current
+	  Debian Python3 version.  As far as is reasonable, python and python3
+	  should be treated as separate runtime systems with minimal
+          interdependencies.  Except as noted, policy for Python 3 is the same

Either "Python 3" or "Python3" spelling should be used consistently. I'm in favor of the former.

+	  built or byte-compiled for these.  The supported interface to this
+	  file is <file>/usr/share/python/pyversions</file>.  The Python 3
+          interface is through <file>/usr/share/python/py3versions</file>.

Huh? Are we going to move pyversions out of /usr/bin/? That would break hell lot of packages.

+Build-Depends: python3-all-dev (>= 3.1-1)

This will trigger lintian's build-depends-on-1-revision.

Jakub Wilk

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