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Re: new dh_python proposal

* Piotr Ożarowski <piotr@debian.org>, 2010-01-15, 16:08:
symlinks / private directories if given Python version is installed
(dpkg -L output will be used to detect which files need byte compilation,
directories without __init__.py file will be skipped),

IOW, you want to skip modules that are not a part of a package? Why?

which files would that be?

$ apt-file search -x '/usr/share/pyshared/[^/]*.py$' | wc -l

Plus some modules directly under /usr/lib/python2.*/site-packages/, plus
presumably many private modules.

You mean "package" as in Python package (i.e. not .deb file)?


These files will be byte compiled of course. By "directories without
__init__.py" I meant something like site-packages/pylons/templates where
templates contains .py files but there's no templates/__init__.py

You want to skip only directories without __init__.py and under /usr/lib/python*/*-packages/, right? That's fine.

Jakub Wilk

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