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Re: Packaging question on private extension modules

Hi Andreas!

Am Sonntag, 1. Juni 2008 08:12:41 schrieb Andreas Tille:
> Perhaps I'm missing something, but why do you think you can not split the
> packages?  If you set Depends correctly this will ensure that the private
> modules will be available.  Perhaps giving a link to some Vcs / download
> URL which concrete package you are working on might be helpful to
> understand.

The package is pdb2pqr, you can find it here:

The current version puts everything to /usr/lib/pdb2pqr as that seems to 
please lintian. I tried to split the package into two and also tried to put 
the arch-indep modules into /usr/share/pdb2pqr and the arch-dep modules 
(propka and pdb2pka) into /usr/lib/pdb2pqr in the same package. Both 
approaches did not work, pdb2pqr.py was not able to load the propka modules 
anymore. I thought this was due to the fact that they are private modules and 
pdb2pqr.py is started from /usr/share/pdb2pqr, so it's not able to load the 
parts that reside in /usr/lib/pdb2pqr. I guess this is were I do not 
understand things completely.

It's my first Python package, so there might be other things that are not OK. 
I took Steffen's work on it but that did not produce a working version of 
PDB2PQR, so I'm trying to work things out. The current package works but has 
everything under /usr/lib/pdb2pqr which I think is not optimal since it uses 
more archive space than needed. (The binary parts are only a few kb.) Any 
feedback it welcome! Thanks in advance!

Best regards

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