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[ANN] stdeb 0.2

I would like to announce the release of stdeb 0.2.

= What is it? =

stdeb http://stdeb.python-hosting.com/ ("setuptools debian") produces Debian source packages from Python packages via a new distutils command, sdist_dsc, which produces a Debian source package of a Python package. Automatic defaults are provided for the Debian package, but many aspects of the resulting package can be customized via a configuration file.

= What's new? =

This is a primarily a bug-fix release cleaning up after the alpha series which introduced many new features. Here is the detailed changelog since the last alpha release.

008-03-27 Add ability to pass environment variables to setup.py

2008-03-18 Do not allow '.' in source package names.

2008-01-20 Allows a user to build every dependency a package has
           stated on it's setup.py, recursively.

2007-10-29 Allow upstream tarball to have different name from debian
           .orig.tar.gz but keep md5sum.

2007-05-28 Fix bug where python distribution name contained '-' but
           setuptools renamed this to '_'.

2007-05-11 Fix py2dsc script to properly set __file__ and __name__.

2007-04-18 Fix bug where .egg-info renaming failed when upstream
           version contained '-'.

= Thanks =

A special thanks to Pedro Algarvio, aka s0undt3ch, for helping with this release.

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