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Re: [python-odtwriter] package name wrong?

On Sat, Feb 09, 2008 at 12:55:33PM +0100, Rene Engelhard wrote:
> Hmm. Is it now a program or a module? In the latter case the pakcage
> name would be right but then rst2odt, the manpage etc. shoudln't be in
> there. 
> OTOH, this looks like a private module for just the rst2odt program, in
> which case the package should be called "rst2odt". Splitting the package
> up doesn't make that much sense given that it's a) a internal module and
> b) __init__.py is only 88K

First of all, the package enhances python-docutils in that it adds an
extra output format, a “writer,” to its capabilities.  A minimum-size
re-implementation of rst2odt could look like this:


    from docutils.core import publish_cmdline


(The real implementation of rst2odt is longer because of operating
systems which make a difference between text and binary file output.)

Therefore, the module is not really private; it is at least known to
docutils and can be used in any program which uses docutils’ API.

Then, the main reason why I have chosen to use this name is that calling
it rst2odt would be inconsequent; python-docutils also contains rst2*
scripts and is not named after them, even though they arguably provide
the interface that is used most of the time.  So I think it is not the
worst solution to stick with “python-odtwriter”—something like
“python-docutils-odtwriter” would still make sense to me, but that’s a
bit bulky.

Ccing debian-python to get some more opinions.

Thanks for your comment,
Michael Schutte <m.schutte.jr@gmail.com>

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