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Re: Let's switch to viewsvn for Vcs-Browser?

* Sandro Tosi [Sat, 01 Nov 2008 18:07:11 +0100]:

> Hi all,
> following up what once POX suggested on irc, I'd like to switch from
> wsvn to viewsvn (compare the difference yourself at [1] and [2]) for
> Vcs-Browser field.

> I already checked-out the whole packages/ dir from both svn repos (so
> that the changes thru all the repo can be done in a single commit
> instead of polluting with commit for each package) and I got the
> script I used to uniform Vcs-* fields I can modify to do this
> conversion (so basically I'm volunteering :) ).

> If no-one will complain, let's say, in a couple of days, I'll run the script.

I'm not a member of the team, but I'd like to say one thing: please note
that both interfaces suck in their own ways: ViewSvn makes easier to
navigate through the tree, and feels generally prettier [to me], but it
doesn't seem to have a view where history of the repository is shown:
how do you find out the latest changes to the package? wsvn gets that
right, presenting that as the first thing (which is usually what you're
interested in, anyway). Relatedly to this, ViewSvn does not support
(AFAIK/CS) "give me the diff for revision 123".

So, as a summary:

                 wsvn    ViewSvn
global history    +        -
revision diffs    +        -
nice navigation   -        +

Just my 2¢,

Adeodato Simó                                     dato at net.com.org.es
Debian Developer                                  adeodato at debian.org
              Listening to: Bebo Valdés & Diego El Cigala - Corazón loco

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