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Re: is psycopg2 broken in etch?

[forgot to include the list in last replay, thus some repeating]

I removed most of the unused stuff but it's still about 150 lines so
I've included a link to it (the full of it), and also the table
definition. If it is ok to post such a long script to the list I'll
happily do it.

Are you using python2.4 or python2.5? I use psycopg2 from etch
(within the Zope framework) on several 64 bit architectures and I
never had issues.

I am using the python2.4 version (2.4.4) but 2.5-5 is installed too.

One "non-standard" thing is that I'm using Postgres 8.3.3-1 (backported
from Sid) if that may interfere someway?

I'll try to run your script... do you have any hint/suggestion about
how to reproduce the problem?

Not realy, it seems to produce slightly different results over a
couple of runs.  What I have done is pretty much

 -delete from events; delete from periods;
 -run it on a set of input data
 -select * into events0 from events;
 -compare the tables with
select login,etime,nlnum,addr,userid,after,probes,misses from events
(select login,etime,nlnum,addr,userid,after,probes,misses from events0);

repeat untill they differ (usually within just a few rounds).

I've put up the program, table definitions and data files (although
with IP and account replaced) at the same location as before

> You have to rebuild the package in etch, because it contains a
> binary library which is depending on a newer libc6 and so on.

Oush, sounds nasty.

It is not nasty: download the source from unstable and run the command
"fakeroot debian/rules binary" on etch.

It worked!!:-)  I had to install a few extra packages (zope-debhelper
and python-dbg or similar) but a lot less than in my attempt to build
it before.

This has haunted my in some other cases before, so THANK YOU!!

// Emil


Tranchitella Fabio                      tranchitella.fabio@dmgroup.hu
DM GROUP Kft.                                   http://www.dmgroup.hu
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