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Re: [Boost-build] Boost.Python: Build and Install with Python 2.4 and 2.5?


Steve M. Robbins wrote:

It turns out to be simpler than that.  With a small tweak to boost's
Jamroot file, I'm now generating libraries without the toolset and
without the Boost version decorations.  I will use this for the
upcoming Boost 1.35.0 Debian packages.

By all means, could you please get together with other packagers (fedora, notably) and try to establish a common procedure ? (Ideally this procedure would be christened by boost itself, eventually, but unfortunately I just don't see that happening anytime soon.)

This is really a big usability issue for developers who want to develop on platforms such as debian or fedora, but still remain as portable as possible, as they have to be prepared for lots of subtle and not-so-subtle variations, complicating their life unnecessarily. It's bad enough that there is no API & ABI stability guarantee from one boost version to the next...

Thanks !



      ...ich hab' noch einen Koffer in Berlin...

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