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Re: handling /usr/local/lib/python2.x/site-packages in sys.path

Matthias Klose wrote:
>  - add an env var to not include /usr/local/lib/python2.x/site-packages
>    when the env var is set. Keeps standard behaviour without
>    modifications and allows people to remove it from sys.path. But
>    requires the user to know about that option.

I would much prefer this. Debian users with local (=unpackaged) packages are
probably much more common than Debian users with (=unpackaged) versions of all
python, and I would rather reasonably support those than leaving them in the
cold. Quite frankly, installing stuff that is also present in the system under
user local is a recipe for disaster (also happens with libraries) and rather
hard to cater for.

>  - add another path (e.g. /usr/local/python/lib2.x/site-packages),
>    and remove the /usr/local/lib/python2.x/site-packages path after
>    the next release. Does provide an upgrade path, but doesn't solve
>    the probem immediately.
No. Let's not break stuff for people that use the software in Debian that they
got from Debian.

Quite frankly, the use case seems a bit of bad practice. Installing to
/usr/local software to compete with that in /usr leads to all sorts of breakage
where one doesn't expect it and if python.org needs people to install
experimental versions they should either recommend chroots / test machines or
provide packages. Anyone capable of installing a local version of python is also
able to run debootstrap to create a chroot.

Kind regards

(who used to maintain a set of libraries where local installations caused no end
 of trouble for users, maintainers, and upstreams)
Thomas Viehmann, http://thomas.viehmann.net/

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