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New Python policy

I have updated the Python policy document based on the discussions on
the list. An updated DebianDoc (and HTML and text files) can be found at

 0) Removes a lot of cruft/debate from the document itself
 1) Explains X*-Python-Version
 2) Explains that we don't want tight dependencies
 3) Deprecates /usr/lib/site-python
 4) Outlines using python-support/central with debhelper
 5) Tries to cover more on private modules

It does not:
 1) Cover CDBS, since I don't know how to use it properly
 2) Give examples for Python packages without using debhelper;
    I suspect those are now almost impossible to make sanely.

 1) The "Upgrade Procedure" section needs work (from RMs)
 2) I have some details wrong
 3) My explanations could be clearer (but I feel it's an
    improvement over the old structure)
Joe Wreschnig <piman@sacredchao.net>

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